Free speech threatened at New Zealand universities An open letter signed by a diverse group of 27 prominent Kiwis has been sent to New Zealand MPs affirming the importance of free speech on university campuses. Professor Paul Moon led the initiative saying, “It is dangerous and wrong…
BSA rules Gaza blockade cannot be reported as “illegal” The Broadcasting Standards Authority has upheld a complaint concerning TVNZ’s coverage of the Israeli maritime blockade of Gaza, on the basis that it breached the required standard of accuracy by stating the blockade of Gaza is “illegal”. In doing so…
Do National’s MPs understand what they just agreed to? This week we witnessed a truly absurd turn of events in Parliament. A motion was passed in New Zealand parliament last Wednesday, expressing “support for the Women’s Peace Boat to Gaza”. In other words, New Zealand’s Parliament has just given…
Social media spreads hate, lies, and anti-Semitism The power of social media It hardly needs to be said that social media can be a force for good and enhance our lives. It can connect people, inform those who may otherwise not be informed, draw attention to causes…