Transcript of Juliet Moses’s speech on day-1 of He Whenua Taurikura: New Zealand’s Hui on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism We need to hear leaders condemn all support for terrorism and all terrorism equally, whatever the source, target, and circumstances, and even when it is not politically expedient to do so.
NZ Green Party MP tweets call for Israel’s destruction For whatever reason, whenever the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians escalates, passions are ignited in our country on the other side of the world, like for no other foreign issue, and indeed for few domestic issues. Anti-Israel protests are…
Green Party MPs Use Hamas Slogan The representative body for New Zealand Jewry condemns the inflammatory comments and inaccurate statements made by two Green MPs in recent days, which risk stoking antisemitism and endangering Jews in New Zealand, as we have seen around the world in…
Hezbollah, Iran’s Proxy, poses a threat that needs to be taken seriously Our government should follow the example of the UK, the US, Canada, the Arab League and The United Arab Emirates, among other nations, in designating the whole of Hezbollah a terror organisation.
Immigration New Zealand “fact sheet” erases Israel and distorts history It is alarming and embarrassing that information provided by a New Zealand government department, can be both so wildly inaccurate and politicised.
At 71, Israel as a Jewish state is justified A JEWISH STATE WAS NEEDED On the 14th May 1948 the first Prime Minister of the modern State of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, proclaimed these words in Israel’s Declaration of Independence: “The catastrophe which recently befell the Jewish people—the massacre of…
Why won’t NZ’s anti-racism chief condemn Corbyn’s racism? Professor Paul Hunt, the new NZ Human Rights Chief Commissioner, was interviewed on Radio New Zealand’s Saturday Morning show with Kim Hill. Hunt was on to peddle potential new hate speech laws; the HRC had long sought such laws to…
Why Golriz Ghahraman should not be the guardian of our speech It’s hard to take someone seriously who wants to criminalise people for their harmful words, but is not prepared to be held to account for her own harmful words. Such is the far left’s belief in their own moral superiority that, while they point the finger of blame at others with alacrity, they appear to lack the self-awareness and self-reflection that would lead them to at least wonder whether they themselves are complicit in contributing to a divisive and hateful society.
Commentary that ”Palestinians innocent, Israelis evil” is morally bankrupt Donna Miles-Mojab wrote that the language used about Palestinians is putting their lives at risk. I agree that the language used by most mainstream media to report and analyse the events in Gaza is shameful and it does risk Palestinian lives….
NZ called out at UN: ‘Shocking and shameful’ This week New Zealand’s Prime Minister, yet again, pointed an accusing finger at Israel for the “devastating one-sided loss of life” in the conflict on the Gaza border. Ms Ardern could perhaps be excused for getting it wrong, in speaking…
Green MPs Davidson and Ghahraman show selective concern for human rights Green MPs Marama Davidson and Golriz Ghahraman demonstrated selective outrage last week, suggesting that their concern for human rights in the Middle East extends only so far as Israel can be blamed. In the space of one week they stridently…
The problem with Ardern’s Corbyn endorsement For many Jewish New Zealanders, their decision on which political candidate to support will at least partly be based on that candidate’s position on Israel and “the conflict”, as well as their sensitivity around anti-Semitism as it exists in 2017. …
Dominion Post editor launches fanciful anti-Israel polemic Who recently stated that Israel has “warmongering tendencies” and is engaging in a “deliberate balkanisation programme aimed at sabotaging the twin-state (sic) solution”? You would be forgiven for thinking it’s Hamas, as their charter contains very similar language. But, in…